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2013-09-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Abigail: *giggles* Nice Yuki.
2013-09-04 [Kbird]: Yuki: *snickers* it hard to decide how long to make your fuuuuuuuu fffufus
2013-09-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Abigail: It is.
2013-09-04 [ancienteye]: Sean: XD
2013-09-04 [Kbird]: Rose: you know....Fufu has this amazing gift of making people talk about her even when she's not here.
2013-09-04 [ancienteye]: Sean: "Yeah...It's annoying as all H*ll." >.< *to Momo and Alamar* "By the way, have you two met the new dude?"
2013-09-04 [Kbird]: Yuki: ahh yes the new dude! His a funny lil guy
2013-09-04 [ancienteye]: Sean: "He's a jumpy guy, too..."
2013-09-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo and Alamar: New dude?
2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Sean: "Yeah. He borrowed some money from me, got transferred, wigged out when I met him, called Yuki a liar, and ended up being our slave for a week--but it only went on for a few days. Fuyu's got a soft spot for the guy."
2013-09-05 [Kbird]: Yuki: darn soft spots! >XD
2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Sean: "Well, if you're lucky, maybe she'll forget all about her soft spot for you." XP
2013-09-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: *giggles* She has soft spots for a lot of people.
2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Sean: "Seriously? Unless you're counting her fur as soft spots, I don't see it." :/
2013-09-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: She doesn't really like to show it.
2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Sean: *a little unsettled that Momo seems to know Fuyu so well...People usually consider him the unofficial expert* "You mean...like her roommate?" *still confused about that...*
2013-09-05 [Kbird]: Yuki: =____= I wish she'd stop showing me it.*shivers*
2013-09-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: *giggles* Maaaybe
2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Sean: "I still don't get it." :/
2013-09-05 [Kbird]: Yuki: XO let's stop talking about!
Rose: awww, someone doesn't want their girl friend to show up?
2013-09-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: Who are you talking about Rose?
2013-09-05 [Kbird]: Rose: Fuyu's always all over Yuki when Abby isn't around. :/
Yuki: =_____________
Rose: we know...but you should really toughen up and be meaner to her, so she'll know! >:O
2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Sean: "It's not that she doesn't know. She just thinks either he or Abby are eventually going to change their minds about each other." *rolls eyes*
2013-09-05 [Kbird]: Yuki: O/////////////
2013-09-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Abigail: O////O Wha-what?!
2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Sean: *mumbles from under Yuki's hand with a smug tone*
2013-09-05 [Kbird]: Yuki: *whispers in Seans* I could snap you neck right now =__=.........b
2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Sean: *snickers under Yuki's hand because the threat was so...inconsist
2013-09-05 [Kbird]: Yuki likes him to much to keep the threat consistent because he feels bad!! XD
2013-09-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: *giggles* Yuki, just ask Abigail out already.
2013-09-05 [Kbird]: Yuki: =/////////= I-I don't know what your talking about.
2013-09-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: We all know you like her Yuki.
2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Sean: *licks Yuki's hand*
2013-09-05 [Kbird]: Yuki: *shivers* O.O *lets go* ewww Sean, eww. *turns slowly towards Abigail*
2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Sean: "Abby, will you please go on a date with my dork of a best friend so he'll stop being a drama queen?" *gives Yuki a mock innocent smile*
2013-09-05 [Kbird]: Yuki: *absently hits Sean over the head* Umm...w-would you?
2013-09-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Abigail: Y-Yes. ^////^
2013-09-05 [Kbird]: Yuki: =//D really?
2013-09-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Abigail: Yes really. *giggles*
2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Sean: "See~? Should've done it years ago." XD
2013-09-05 [Kbird]: Yuki: *takes Abigails hand* bye,bye. I'm going to take Abigail to lunch so see ya. ^-^ * big dumb grin*
2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Sean: "Later." XP
2013-09-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Abigail: *giggles and holds Yuki's hand*
Momo: *grins* Have fun.
2013-09-05 [Kbird]: Yuki: *walks away with Abigail*
Rose: awww young love...so cute! XP
2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Fuyu: *pops up a few minutes after Yuki and Abagail leave* "Hey. Where's Yuki~" :3
Sean: "On a date."
Fuyu: "Ha. Ha. You need to work on your sarcasm." e__e
2013-09-05 [Kbird]: Rose: No lie.
2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Fuyu: *flatly* "What."
2013-09-05 [Kbird]: Rose: Momo wantta tell her?
2013-09-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: Yuki finally asked Abigail out and they went to lunch.
2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Fuyu: ".............
2013-09-05 [Kbird]: Rose: :] hahahaha you don't stand a chance~
2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Fuyu: *hisses menacingly at Rose*
2013-09-05 [Kbird]: Rose: XD
2013-09-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: Don't worry Fuyu, maybe you can find someone else.
2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Fuyu: "Yeah. Sure." >___>
2013-09-05 [Kbird]: Rose: Yeah an Alien might come and decided to give you a shot.
2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Sean: XD
Fuyu: DX *hisses*
2013-09-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: An Alien?
2013-09-12 [Kbird]: Rose: they're the only person that'd be unknown enough! XD
2013-09-12 [ancienteye]: Fuyu: "Oh, ha ha. Very funny. For your information, I went on a date, the other day."
Sean: "Not a surprise. Let me guess? He ran screaming or was in an ambulance by dessert?"
2013-09-12 [Kbird]: Rose: pffft nice one! Or he hide under the table when she wasn't looking.
2013-09-12 [ancienteye]: Fuyu: "Actually~ It was quite enjoyable. We're going out again, next week."
2013-09-12 [Kbird]: Rose: O.O wow!! did you threaten this one?!
2013-09-12 [ancienteye]: Fuyu: "No I didn't!" >:O
Sean: "Did you lie to him, then?"
Fuyu: "I actually told him about what went wrong in past dates and he thought I was in the right~"
2013-09-12 [Kbird]: Rose: wow...so who is he?
Steven: *darts in around a corner panting as two girls run past* Hi~
2013-09-12 [ancienteye]: Sean: "Yo, boy-toy. What're you running from?"
2013-09-12 [Kbird]: Steven: T-they....woul
2013-09-12 [ancienteye]: Fuyu: "'No' about what?" >:/
2013-09-12 [Kbird]: Steven: TT~TT they wanted me to carry abunch of stuff to the other side of the facility eve though I told them I was coming here.
2013-09-12 [ancienteye]: Fuyu: "Oh." *looks slightly relieved* "And they /chased/ you for that?"
Sean: XD
2013-09-12 [Kbird]: Steven: *nods* well...I distrected after the started insisting then took off TT~TT
2013-09-12 [ancienteye]: Fuyu: "Oh..." *snickers* "At least you got away. By the way, I'm really looking forward to our date~"
Sean: O.O
2013-09-12 [Kbird]: I want to reply but we should wait for Crimson
2013-09-12 [ancienteye]: Yeah.
2013-09-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: OH! So that's your date?
2013-09-13 [Kbird]: Steven: Yep~ It's great!
Rose: O.O he-he enjoys it?
2013-09-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: Of course he does, Fuyu is a really nice girl.
2013-09-13 [Kbird]: Steven: Isn't she~?! =D
Rose: whhhhaaaatttt? O.O
2013-09-13 [ancienteye]: Sean: *has passed out from shock*
Fuyu: *pokes Sean* "I think we broke him." e____e
2013-09-13 [Kbird]: Steven: *smirks* >:D get me a smelly fish...her that nasty form and slimy jelly~
2013-09-13 [ancienteye]: Fuyu: "Ew~" XP
Sean: *still passed out*
2013-09-13 [Kbird]: Rose: *hands over slimy jelly* ewww...
Steven: >:3 *drops it on Sean's neck (This stuff isn't solid enough to hurt....just makes you freak out cause it feels soooo weird)*
2013-09-13 [ancienteye]: Sean: O0O *falls out of his chair*
2013-09-13 [Kbird]: Rose: *jumps abit startled* O.O
Steven: X3 * quickly backs up so he looks innocent*
2013-09-13 [ancienteye]: Fuyu: *snickers*
Sean: *glares at Fuyu*
Fuyu: "It--pft--wasn
2013-09-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: *giggles*
2013-09-14 [ancienteye]: Sean: "Why is my neck slimy?!" D:<
2013-09-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: You drool in your sleep.
2013-09-14 [ancienteye]: Sean: "Why was I..." o.e
2013-09-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: *giggles* You were shocked that Steven actually like Fuyu so you passed out.
2013-09-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: (So who's turn is it here?)
2013-09-14 [ancienteye]: Sean: *to Steven* "Dude. Why?"
2013-09-14 [Kbird]: Hmm doesn't matter to me... but I think Abigail should be getting back soon.
Steven: Because she's great! =D
2013-09-14 [ancienteye]: Fuyu: X3
Sean: XD "Funny~ But seriously. Why?" ._____.
2013-09-14 [Kbird]: Steven: =3 I like her~ She's nice, stronge, and pretty.
Rose: O.O we are talking about Fuyu?
2013-09-14 [ancienteye]: Sean: "Seriously. 'Nice'?" ._____________
2013-09-14 [Kbird]: Steven: =__= yes, come on it's not that hard to realize
2013-09-14 [ancienteye]: Sean: ".........You'
2013-09-14 [Kbird]: Steven: >:O yes!
2013-09-14 [ancienteye]: Sean: *to Rose* "He's serious."
2013-09-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: *giggles* Cute.
(I didn't edit because I wanted to see if Sean or Fuyu had anything to say.)
2013-09-14 [ancienteye]: They don't. :P
2013-09-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Alright.
2013-09-14 [Kbird]: Rose: what..are you? *looks over Steven*
Steven: =_____________
2013-09-14 [ancienteye]: Sean: "Are you sure? Some people don't know for decades, if they're adopted."
2013-09-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: Why are you so surprised?
2013-09-14 [ancienteye]: Sean: "Because it's /Fuyu/. Her dates end in blood and screaming and ambulances!"
Fuyu: "Not all the time..." >__>
Sean: "Right. Sometimes it's just the screaming. Sometimes it ends in facial reconstruction surgery."
Fuyu: "That was ONLY ONCE!" >:o
2013-09-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: Everyone can find love, it just takes some people longer than others.
2013-09-14 [ancienteye]: Sean: "Yeah....But it's /FUYU/. And she's still young enough to reproduce! Future generations will look back on this moment with horror for years to come..."
Fuyu: "If you want to retain the ability to produce 'future generations' you will shut up. Now."
2013-09-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: Yikes!
2013-09-14 [Kbird]: Steven: agreed, =___=
Rose: O.O
2013-09-14 [ancienteye]: Sean: *finally shut up* >______________>
2013-09-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: *giggles*
2013-09-14 [Kbird]: Steven: Oh hey it's nice to met You, Momo, and Alamar, right?
2013-09-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Momo: Yep.
Alamar: Hi.
2013-09-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: How old is Hana again?
2013-09-15 [Kbird]: Hana is twenty two.....I think
2013-09-15 [Kbird]: or was she ninteen
2013-09-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: I think you said nineteen.
2013-09-15 [ancienteye]: Fuyu: ^-^
Sean: *no comment*
2013-09-17 [Kbird]: Liden already set here down >__>
2013-09-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oops. lol
2013-09-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Before I post again, do you want me to make a new page for the daycare and transfer our posts there?
2013-09-20 [Kbird]: Oh yeah! this page is kinda big~
2013-09-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: OK! :D
2013-10-26 [Kbird]: Two more possible themes for the daycare! XD
'd like to remember
I'd like to know how you are
I'd like to know everything you'll be
Wherever you go, what will you do?
When the world's right in front of you
When I think of us, slowly life passes by
And I blink and you're growing, no longer a child
What I can do to capture this moment in time
Is to sing you a lullaby
I like to watch you dream
I like to touch your face
I like to hold you in a sweet embrace
Whenever you laugh, whenever you cry
And when you need a special place to hide
When I think of us, slowly life passes by
And I blink and you're growing, no longer a child
What I can do to capture this moment in time
Is to sing you a lullaby
When I think of us, slowly life passes by
And I blink and you're growing, no longer a child
What I can do to capture this moment in time
Is to sing you a lullaby
Out of nowhere you came
From a little dust and a little rain
And when I looked down on your face
It showed to me the truth and grace
I will always try to keep you very safe
So open up your eyes
So they can look in mine
And see your small reflection
And when you close your eyes
I pray the thoughts inside
Are beautiful and true
I won't always be this strong
And I won't always be the one
To kiss the bruise or heal the scrapes
To wipe the tear drops from your face
And I will always love you more each day
So open up your eyes
So they can look in mine
And see your small reflection
And when you close your eyes
I pray the thoughts inside
Are beautiful and true
I will always love you more each day
I will always try to keep you safe
So open up your eyes
So they can look in mine
And see your small reflection
And when you close your eyes
I pray the thoughts inside
Are beautiful and true
I will always, I will always love you
okay so theres actually three...:
Dark is the night, calm is the sea
Soft blows the wind through the evening trees
Tired are the eyes that have seen all your sin
Just let your mind start to dream
Puddles of rain dry overnight
Stars in the sky twinkle their eyes
The curls on your head, your fingers and toes
All need their rest for tomorrow
I will never leave you
I am always here
I will never leave you
I am always near
Dark is the night, calm is the sea
Tired are the eyes that have seen all your sin
Just let your mind start to dream
2013-10-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Nice
2013-10-27 [Kbird]: which do you think is best...or should we keep with the currant one?
2013-10-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Not sure.
2013-10-27 [ancienteye]: I think the current one has a better tone for the daycare...
2013-10-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, I re-read them and I agree with ancient.
2013-10-27 [Kbird]: okie dokie~ This ones are more motherly
2016-08-01 [Kbird]: think I could leave this the same, or edit it...or just delete everything.
2016-08-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Hmm... I'm not sure.
2016-08-01 [Kbird]: I can't decided...We'l
2016-08-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Might be a long wait, she hasn't been on in 52 days
2016-08-01 [Kbird]: I left her a message on Quotev, which she was on yesterday..
2016-08-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh, cool.
2016-08-12 [Kbird]: MY FATHER IS A GENIUS!! He figured out away that Yuki can make it to Fern's hideout without the facility being restarted, however it will evolve a few ,if not all, the kids~ >:D
2016-08-12 [ancienteye]: You mean "involve"? Because I assume you don't intend for us to age up the kids...
2016-08-12 [Kbird]: XP oops yeah.
2016-08-12 [ancienteye]: XD
2016-08-12 [ancienteye]: Whatever it is, Sean and Fuyu are in! >:3
2016-08-12 [Kbird]: XD Yay!! Aspen will be needed too! =3
2016-08-12 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Oh, h*ll yes." >:P "I'm all about getting people into trouble~"
2016-08-12 [Kbird]: Good~ >:3
2016-08-12 [ancienteye]: XD
2016-08-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: My kids are in! :D
2016-08-13 [Kbird]: Yay!! XD XD
2016-08-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Maybe Zane could go to supervise? lol
2016-08-13 [Kbird]: I'll Pm you what I have in mind.
2016-08-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Got it.
2016-08-18 [Kbird]: Hey Crimson, ancient and I are dragging you into a thread!
Yuki: *goes to Hana* "Hana can you call Jack and Alex, it's really important that I talk to them! TToTT
Hana: "They might be busy but I'll try if it means that much." *gets on phone to call them*
2016-08-18 [ancienteye]: Sean: *waits patiently beside Yuki*
2016-08-18 [Kbird]: Yuki is good at fake tears.
2016-08-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jack: Yo, you've reached Dr. Sexy, what's your problem? *there was a soft thud, Jack yelled 'ow', and then a small scuffle.
Alex: Sorry about that, who's calling?
2016-08-18 [Kbird]: Hana: 0///0 "..uhh *clears throat* "This Hana from the Daycare, if you're not busy, Yuki said he really needs to talk to you."
Yuki: "It's Important!!"
2016-08-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: Alright, we'll be there soon. Come on you perv! *Jack yells in the background*
Jack: Let go of my ear! *silence*
2016-08-18 [Kbird]: Hana: >\\> "That was different.." (remember she and Maniko have a crush on Jack)
Yuki: "That's my Jack and Alex!" ^.^
2016-08-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: *comes in 10 minutes later pulling Jack in by his ear* Alright, what's the emergency? *let's go of Jack's ear*
Jack: Ow! That hurt you di... Jerk!
2016-08-18 [Kbird]: Yuki: "we can't talk her, come on into Sean's room." *opens Sean's door*
Hana; ? *watching them suspiciously*
2016-08-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: Alright. *walks into Sean's room*
Jack: *winks at Hana as he passes her*
2016-08-18 [ancienteye]: Sean: *gives Yuki a look for volunteering his room, but walks in, anyways*
2016-08-18 [Kbird]: Yuki: *smiles sweetly at Sean as he shuts the door. However, As soon as he turns around he looks very serious (at least for a kid)*
"We have a very important mission. Our mission is to get Jace and Anabell together!"
2016-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: That's the emergency?
Jack: I'm in.
2016-08-19 [Kbird]: Yuki: "Yes! Jace is devastated and they are meant to be together! We tried to approach Anabell on the topic earlier but it didn't work and David's um...breakdown
2016-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: *sighs* So you're playing Cupid then?
Cupid: *phases through wall* Did I hear my name?
2016-08-19 [Kbird]: Yuki: "No. I'm making my family come together!" *to Cupid* " I might need you're help too, I'm making Jace and Anna realize their love for each other."
2016-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Cupid: *grins* Oooh! Sounds lovely, I love love.
Alex: *rolls his eyes* Fine, I guess I'll help too.
2016-08-20 [ancienteye]: Sean: *to Alex* "Of course you will. You have to."
2016-08-20 [Kbird]: Yuki: "Yeah, family helps family!"
2016-08-22 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: I suppose.
2016-08-22 [Kbird]: Yuki: "Okay let's go then!!" *opens door*
2016-08-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jack: Where to little man?
2016-08-23 [Kbird]: Yuki: "Hmm we tried Anna last time and she's in a meeting but Jace is busy too..."*looks to Sean for suggestions*
2016-08-26 [ancienteye]: Sean: *deep sigh* "Debbie seemed interested in helping. David did too, but...eh...Deb
2016-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: What's wrong with David?
2016-08-27 [ancienteye]: Sean: "Anabell broke him. Might be our fault."
2016-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: Broke him?
2016-08-27 [ancienteye]: Sean: "Not physically. But, yeah."
2016-08-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: What did she do?
2016-09-12 [Kbird]: Yuki: "She refused to admit her feelings, so David flipped out and ran off." >^>
2016-09-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: ...
Jack: Wimp.
2016-09-13 [ancienteye]: Sean: "David or Anna?"
2016-09-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jack: David mostly, Anna's just stubborn.
2016-09-14 [Kbird]: Yuki: " >:/ he's just sensitive because our family is in a crisis!"
2016-09-14 [ancienteye]: Sean: *exasperated sigh*
2016-09-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: If you say so.
2016-09-14 [Kbird]: Yuki: "I do. now how should we start this..."
(can't remember if they left daycare yet sooo...)
Hana: "Start what?"
2016-09-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: (They're in Sean's bedroom.)
Jack: Just a little project.
2016-09-14 [Kbird]: (I thought they left his room)
Hana: "....that involves the kids?"
2016-09-14 [ancienteye]: Sean: "They're helping us, Hana. Not the other way around."
2016-09-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: (I don't remember. lol)
Alex: Yeah.
2016-09-14 [Kbird]: Hana: "I don't know...you two already ran off once today.."
Yuki: "It's fine, they already talked to Jace."
2016-09-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jack: Yeah, we won't let me go anywhere they're not suppose to.
Alex: I'll make sure of it.
2016-09-14 [Kbird]: Hana: "...Okay then..if it's alright with Jace and you don't try to run off on them."
Yuki; "We won't. We'll be perfect little angels~ ;) "
2016-09-14 [ancienteye]: Sean: *under his breath to Yuki* "Don't do that. Nobody believes that."
2016-09-14 [Kbird]: Hana: *giggles* "Alex is right, no one can be perfect."
Yuki: "I can try to be a perfect angel, besides..my mom is so I should have a pretty good chance!"
2016-09-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jack: True.
Alex: *rolls eyes*
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